Aguas de Ramon i La Reina

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ChileAguas de Ramon


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2751, Alvaro Casanova, La Reina, Santiago, CL Chile
kontakter telefon: +56 2 2275 0112
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.4335169, Longitude: -70.5189654

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michael Q


    Visited this with the family this summer. The short walk is nice for a little one and you do get to see a small waterfall and river/stream. Sometimes they close the paths as well and the day we visited the short and medium paths were open. Certainly seems like an awesome place to get away for a few hours, but was even nice for a 90 minute visit. Fairly easy to get here via bus and Uber as well.

  • AdventureManDan



    Sendero Los Peumos was so beautiful! Lots better than I expected. And wasn't demanding at all, so great for everyone! Get to see some nice small waterfalls up close, and the rope bridge is fun!

  • Yana M

    Yana M


    Well maintained natural reserve. Friendly staff

  • Anton Marchuk

    Anton Marchuk


    this is the amazing place that you can reach by public transport to do tracking, sports (mountain running) and see beauty of mountains. The track is close to the river and the canyon is quite green and full of trees. Waterfall Salto de Apoquindo is quite interesting but way to it impressed me more than waterfall itself. Be aware that you need to be in half of a way to Salto de Apoquindo at 10:30am max! Otherwise you will find there a guy that will not let you continue tracking. It means you need to be at the base camp around 8:30am. I recommend this place big time for one-day tracking

  • Juan Pablo Hormazabal

    Juan Pablo Hormazabal


    nice hike, long. the waterfalls were a bit disappointing

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