Fauna Valparaiso i Valparaíso

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ChileFauna Valparaiso



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166, Paseo Dimalow, Valparaíso, Valparaiso, CL Chile
kontakter telefon: +56 32 327 0719
internet side: www.faunahotel.cl
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -33.043823, Longitude: -71.62717

kommentar 5

  • Anthony le Bourlier

    Anthony le Bourlier


    Very good, a welcome desk more... Welcoming would have made it perfect

  • en

    derek griffin


    Best meal I have had in South America. Very friendly staff, even gave us an umbrella for a very rainy walk back to hotel. Great view of the city.

  • Stephan Müller-Schwefe

    Stephan Müller-Schwefe


    Very good quality food, but not 5 star quality, for sure prices are higher then average, but worth the money, beautiful view, good service

  • Jani Saarinen

    Jani Saarinen


    Restaurant is good and the view is really nice. Portions we have were good and nicely presented. Service was good but slow

  • Maryam Refan

    Maryam Refan


    This is a review of the restaurant. Amazing views of the bay, friendly staff. All the main dishes looked great. I tried the only meat dish on the menu and it was delicious. The sandwiches were so so but the desserts were really good. It is located in one of the best areas of the city so make sure to spend some time and explore the neighbourhood. Also, note that it is located in a walkway so you can’t get to the restaurant/hotel by car and need to walk few minutes.

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