Hotel NH Antofagasta i Antofagasta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ChileHotel NH Antofagasta



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01151, Avenida Ejército, Antofagasta, Antofagasta, CL Chile
kontakter telefon: +56 55 235 0400
internet side:
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Latitude: -23.681821, Longitude: -70.414114

kommentar 5

  • Alvaro Diaz

    Alvaro Diaz


    Good place to stay. Practical, clean. Is ANF, so set the expectation

  • Anthony Brooking

    Anthony Brooking


    Good rooms , good facilities, good food

  • Levi Quelland

    Levi Quelland


    Excellent hotel, especially the room service and the breakfast buffet. Make sure you request an ocean view room for a great way to wake up every morning. The maid was the most thorough of any I’ve ever had, taking the time to fold all of my worn clothing items and tidying my shower kit. Breakfast buffet has 7 juice/water selections, including vegetable and fruit infused waters.

  • en

    Milan Dekovic


    The place to stay has good facilities, bedrooms are well equipted and confy. I have a great Issue with the coocking of this place, I once ate at the restaurant and was a huge dissapointment, I had never had such a bad steak, it had no flavour I felt like I was eating plastic, I could not even eat the French fries and that I love Fries. My colleagues have the same opinion and have promised never to eat at that restaurant again. Please do something about it, you have a great hotel to be loosing points on something so trivial

  • Marcelo Vargas

    Marcelo Vargas


    Excellent hotel by the Pacific Ocean. Breakfast is not included. Nice views.

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